Sunshine Update #6 – A Glimpse of Making the World Better

Posted by Donald Larson on

The whole reason for the existence of Sunshine Nut Company and the Sunshine Approach Foundation is to improve the standard of living for the poor, widowed, and orphaned of Mozambique. Here’s a few snapshots of our progress toward that goal.

The joy of bringing orphaned children to their new home and new mothers.

What a difference a week can make when love is introduced. Helio and Vicente enter the Sunshine Homes program and get ready for their private school. 

Happiness is… graduating Cecilia, our first child brought into the Sunshine family back in 2014, from high school and sending her off to university.

Cecilia was followed by Virginia, graduating this past year and now in university.

Our Sunshine families in late 2023.

Meeting the needs of the most vulnerable in the community where our Sunshine Homes are located. Vovo Theresa was crippled and had nothing. We did our best to provide for her and make her comfortable.

Trying our best to make children feel like superheroes…

Our community projects have prepared hundreds of vulnerable pre-school aged children to have a good start in life. They enter timid & insecure and exit confident & ready.

We’ve provided uniforms and bookbags for countless numbers of community children who couldn’t afford them.

Our first teacher team from the USA coming to train teachers from the surrounding schools. They have been followed by four other teams. This program was started by our daughter, Cassie, on the far left.

Aida getting promoted from supervisor to production manager. She started in 2013 as a general laborer. 

Community feedings where hundreds of children were fed each Saturday. Terri in the background giving medical attention.

The happiness that a simple meal provides.

Terri and I as the padrinhos (godparents) for one of our employees’ weddings. We walk alongside our employees both at the factory and in life.

Hosting teams is an important part of our work. This was a dental team from Europe that worked in the local schools. We have hosted medical, dental, teacher, and university teams.

Our container loading team works into the night to get our products to their destinations.

Ester, our first baby in the Sunshine Homes program, in Dec 2022. Her three older sisters were also accepted into our care.

The pride is evident on the faces of these workers who started as apprentices and ended up as skilled masons after on-the-job training in the construction of our Palma factory.

Hundreds of local men and women were hired by us and given the dignity of work to clear the farmland to be ready for planting cashew trees in Cabo Delgado province. These were the first jobs to be held for generations in their family.

Zainabo is a single mother who is one of 400 families taking part in our community farm. Zainabo planted 450 cashew trees with our help on her own 2-hectare plot to change the course of her life.

This team was initially hired to cut grass with machetes. They were then eager to be trained to build the nursery. Next was learning how to plant and care for cashew tree saplings. Finally, they were the planting team helping the families on the community farm. Where does their potential stop?

Our workers are responsible and take their work seriously. They take great pride in making the world’s best cashews.

It’s my privilege to be called ‘Papa Don’ and to encourage all these workers into better lives.

Our uniform’s logo says it all…

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