Api's Story

Posted by Forrest Musselman on

“Life in Mozambique is hard for people of any age. It has been our joy to walk with Api through this ordeal. He has been patient, long suffering, and appreciative through it all. So many people go without the aid that Api has been privy to. We cannot take care of everyone, but we can take care of those who are brought before us that we feel called to help.”

– Terri Larson, Director of Social Impact


I first met Api at one of our community projects back in early 2016. At the time, his left leg was swollen to twice its size because of a major infection, so we resolved to treat it – first with the help of a nurse and then, once I learned the procedure, on my own.

After over a year of treating Api’s leg to no improvement, we received permission from his mother (pictured here with Api and her youngest son, Boane) to take him to a doctor at a private hospital. The infection was far worse than we thought, and we were told that Api would need to have surgery or he would risk losing his leg for good.

After searching out quotations, we decided to have his surgery done at the Veteran’s Hospital in Maputo on April 21st, 2017. He was such a brave little boy on the day of his surgery as he patiently waited in his bed to be called.

Api’s surgery went well and he was returned to his room to recover. He was in hospital 7 days before he was well enough to be released. It was a very happy day for us all, as you can tell by our smiles. 

Leaving the hospital, Api displayed a steadfast determination to recover and walk again. He maintained this resolve throughout his entire healing process.

Api’s healing process has truly been a community effort! His neighborhood friends assisted by ensuring that Api rested rather than played as he was surely tempted to do. Sebi or myself visited him daily to clean the wound and change his bandages. His mother and other neighbors ensured that he took his medication and was eating nutrient-rich foods and vitamins.

And here is our Api today! It has been 8 months since his surgery. His recovery was long and painful for him, and he missed a month of school. But now he is pain-free, all caught up with his school work, and enjoying running and playing soccer again with his friends.

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