Sunshine Update #5- Making the World’s Best to Make the World Better

Posted by Donald Larson on


Our current product line consists of two offerings in five flavors. Our 200-gram bags of plain, salted, herbed, and spiced entered the market in 2014. The cinnamon sugar flavor was added later after all the women in my life demanded I produce this!

At retailers’ requests, we add the individual size 30-gram packages to our line. These packages have been a big hit and are selling very well. They are great for school lunches and people who are on the go.

We also have produced a bulk bag that was sold into retailers’ stores for their bulk bins. This product had to be sidelined in 2017 due to working capital constraints but will soon be reintroduced due to its sales potential.

NEW PRODUCTS- Coming soon to a store (or airplane) near you!

We are poised and ready to begin production of cashew butters in all five flavors. The equipment to produce these was just installed and production will begin in April. The reviews of our cashew butters with retailers and at food shows where we have introduced them are far better than anticipated. We believe that the sales of our cashew butters will exceed the sales of our bagged cashews. The sale of cashew butter is significantly more profitable for our company.

Another up-and-coming new product is our 15 gram airline packages. Our 30 gram individual packages have been distributed in the SnackBoxes provided to customers in a few European and African airlines. They have been so well received that last year we were awarded the best economy snack by a global airline magazine. In addition to this, the president of Mozambique, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, has requested that the national airline, LAM, distribute Sunshine Nut Company cashews on all their international flights. This will begin in April.


From our first entry into stores, we have received rave reviews from retailers, consumers, distributors, and critics. Our reviews on QVC and Amazon are over 80% 5-star rating. Below are a few of the thousands of positive comments we have received.

This is our listing on Amazon that shows we have 1,032 reviews on this item.

We also have very positive reviews pouring in from our QVC customers.


Since entering the retail market with our 200-gram packages, the Sunshine Nut Company has received many accolades, reviews, awards, and recognition for producing the world’s best cashews to make the world better. To list them all, it would take a novel, so I will highlight the ones that meant the most to us.


Our product has been highlighted in food shows around the globe. For the majority of these international food shows, global organizations (USAID, United Nations, and European Union) have funded our booth and travel expenses. They note the quality of our product and want it included in these shows.

Shanghai, China (Funded by United Nations)

 Paris, France (funded by European Union) New York City (funded by USAID)


From TED Talks and SAT Talks to the US Senate Building to international locations on five continents, I have been able to share the Sunshine Approach Business Model with high level leadership. These invitations to speak have been funded by various groups who recognize this model as being a world changer.

Speaking at the Faith and Law gathering in the US Senate building.


Participating on a panel at the Nobel Peace Prize Forum (Hosted live on PBS)



Sunshine Nut Company and the business model on which it has been founded has been highlighted in numerous articles and publications. 


It has been our privilege to receive awards that acknowledge our product and the social impact of our company and foundation.

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