We use 90% of distributed profits to transform lives in Mozambique.
Let’s express who are you, what is your mission, what is unique selling point of your business to increase reliability as well as impress customer

- Planting cashew trees for local smallholder cashew farmers to ensure income as well as increasing cashew crop
- Beacons of Light Programs- day programs for vulnerable community children where it is a safe place to play, learn, and be loved and nourished
- Miscellaneous projects for those in need- involves medical, educational, dental, and nutritional

- Providing jobs for tens of thousands of Mozambicans in the cashew industry
- Creating a market provides an outlet for smallholder farmers to sell their crops, ensuring jobs at local shelling facilities, and our own roasting employees to process the cashews
- 50 jobs at our roasting factory creates 1,000 jobs at the deshelling factory and the need for full cashew crops from 50,000 farming families

- Purchasing homes in the local communities; renovating and equipping them to house a Sunshine family
- Establishing a family by pairing a vulnerable woman with three to four orphaned children
- Providing expenses for daily life as well as educational and medical needs
- Instilling values, discipline, and motivation to become independent, contributing members of society

Behind the Scenes in Mozambique:
Sunshine Update #1 – Our Family of Sunshine Organizations
Thank you for your interest and encouragement these last 13 years of living and working full time in Mozambique. Over...
Sunshine Update #2 – Project Sunshine with Community Farms and Village Factories (The Sunshine Villages Project)
Project Sunshine addresses the challenges of the farming communities while also introducing a competitive model to transition the Mozambican cashew...
Sunshine Update #3 – Project Sunshine Business and Community Impact
Project Sunshine greatly achieves five important development objectives: The first objective is to significantly increase agricultural trade from Mozambique to...
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